Mother’s Day 2022

After a delightful breakfast in the company of my dearest darling boys, we delivered Zane to work and Jack and I went on a Nature Walk. The City of Lafayette (Colorado) Open Space ( has a wonderful schedule of all kinds of things - Like a Mother’s Day Nature Walk with city educator Martin Ogle. He wove together Native stories from the Cheyenne, Arapahoe & Ute peoples and showed us the stories inside the native plants. Just after we learned about the stars in the cottonwood trees but before making twine from Indian Hemp (no relation) a sweet young lady complimented Jack on his cool shirt. He did look very spiffy. She told us she was from the local newspaper and we looked really cute - could she photograph us? Sure!. Here we are. Photo & Story by Ella Cobb. Find the complete piece HERE.


Dispatches from the show